April 1, 2012

Post-It to the Puppets

Students in grades 3 and 4 displayed their finished puppets on the art tables, and walked around the room to look at each others work.  Next,we talked about complements, and how artists deserve specific complements that let them know what they did well and could repeat again on another piece.  

Some things the students brainstormed they could write about were: the way the puppet was put together or the way it moves (engineering), the details of the puppet in color and texture, the creativity in character design, and the neatness (craftsmanship). 

Students then walked around the room and left specific complements on post-its for their peers, next to a particular puppet.  The students loved doing this and many of them asked for more and more post-its to write on.  One class did not stop for the entire class period, and spent 30 minutes giving complements.  At the end of class, students headed back to their seat and read the complements that were left for them.  We made sure as a group that every puppet got some feedback.
Here are some more pics of the finished puppets.  
I will post a link to the youtube shadow shows once they are all filmed. 

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